How to Clean Pavers Before Sealing

Proper maintenance of pavers is an essential part of keeping your pavement looking its best. Part of this maintenance is regularly sealing your pavers to protect them from the elements and help them last longer. An essential point, for instance, is how to clean pavers before sealing them.

How to Clean Pavers Before Sealing

Clean and sealed pavers mean easy upkeep and a great look for your home. So, before you start the process of sealing your pavers, be sure to clean them first. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to clean them before applying any sealant:

Small gray bird eating crumbs on the multi colored pavement road with fallen brown leaves

Step 1: Remove Any Objects That Might Be in the Way

This is the first and most crucial step. You need to have a clear working space to clean your pavers properly. So, before you do anything else, remove any furniture or other objects that might be in the way.

The objects, including patio furniture, planters, grills, and children's toys, maybe in the way. Anything that might be on or around your pavers needs to be moved out of the way. This will protect your belongings and make the job easier.

Step 2: Remove Dirt, Dust, or Debris From the Surface

Now that you have a clear working space, it's time to remove any dirt, dust, or debris from the surface of the pavers. You can use a broom or blower to do this. Just be sure that you remove as much of this material as possible.

The main reason for removing dirt, dust, or debris is that you don't want any of it sealed into the pavers. This can eventually break down the sealant or weaken its bond to the pavers. So, it's essential to get rid of it as much as possible so that your sealant will last longer.

Step 3: Remove the Weeds and Moss Between the Pavers

At times, weeds and moss can start to grow between the cracks of your pavers. If this is the case, you'll need to remove them before sealing them to have the best result. There are a few ways to remove them.

Green weeds growing in between multi colored paved stones
  • Use a weeding tool to dig them out by hand. This involves digging around the weed or moss until you can get it out of the ground.

  • Use a chemical herbicide. This will kill the moss and stop the weed from growing around your pavers so that you can remove them more easily. Ensure the herbicide is organic and safe for use around plants and animals.

  • Use boiling water. This is a natural way to kill weeds and moss. Simply boil a pot of water and pour it over the weeds or moss.

  • Pull them out by hand. This is the most labor-intensive and easy way to remove weeds and moss.

Step 4: Prepare a Cleaning Solution and Apply It to the Pavers

The next step is to prepare a cleaning solution and apply it to the pavers. You can use a commercial paver cleaner such as muriatic acid or bleach solution or make your own. To make your own, fill a gallon of the warm water bucket and add 1/4 cup of dish soap. Mix it until the dish soap is dissolved.

Once you have your cleaning solution, apply it to the pavers with a garden pump sprayer and let it sit for 10 minutes. This will give the cleaner time to break down any dirt and remove stains on the surface of the pavers.

After the time has elapsed, use a stiff-bristled brush to clean the pavers. You may need to do this in sections, so the cleaner doesn't dry on the pavers.

Step 5: Rinse the Pavers With Clean Water and Leave to Dry 

Fallen brown and dead leaves on gray circular paved stones

After you've scrubbed the pavers with the cleaning solution, if you don’t have a power washer, you can use a hose to rinse them off with clean water. This will help remove the cleaner and any dirt or grime that it's removed from the surface of the pavers.

After that, allow the pavers to dry completely. This could take a few hours, depending on the weather. Once they're dry, you need to seal your pavers to protect them from the elements. You can consult with experts if you have any questions about this process. At Aviara Pavers, we follow ICPI standards and certifications for all our paver projects (driveways, patios, swimming pool decks, etc.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Need to Clean Pavers Before Sealing?

Yes, you need to clean them before sealing them. This is because you don't want any dirt, dust, or debris to be sealed into the pavers, which can break down the sealant or weaken its bond.

Can You Use a Pressure Washer to Clean Pavers?

Yes, you can use a pressure washer to clean the pavers. Ensure you use a low setting, so you don't damage the pavers. Also, ensure to hold the nozzle about 12 inches from the surface of the pavers.


Sealing your pavers is a great way to protect them from the elements and extend their lifespan. However, before you seal them, you need to clean them first. Ensure you have the right tools and materials, along with some elbow grease, to make them look new. Cheers!

Jason Farr